Tuesday, February 22, 2011


God's overwhelming faithfulness is OVERWHELMING!!!!

We haven't even been fundraising for a year! and God raised $36,000 to bring the Knox babies HOME!!!! My throat is just about hoarse from shouting HIS praises!!! and my legs are definitely tired from all the jumping up and down!!!

God did it.

One GIANT step of faith from the Knox family. Many other small steps of faith from SO MANY people. Two children who will forever know the love of a family.

Thank you!

I encourage you to jump over to the Knox family blog - KnoxFamilyHeartCandy.blogspot.com to see where they're at and ESPECIALLY for the all important video of the first moment they meet (it hasn't happened yet!).

THEN stay tuned!!!! I'm meeting with our next family TODAY!!!! You're going to LOVE THEM!!! and it looks like we'll be headed to a country FAR north of Africa this time!!! WOO HOOOOO!

1 comment:

  1. Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa (ninjiom-hk.cwahi.net) may be another solution to hoarse and sore throat. i know a lot of people use it, its also non alcoholic, though it's effectiveness is not as good as alcohol based cough medicine, but it's still good to use on not so serious sore or hoarse throat. Hope you are getting well soon!!!
